The Brook Run Neighborhood Association is a non-profit organization working for the common good and general welfare of Brook Run residents, with a focus on creating a sense of community and pride within the neighborhood. Our organization provides resources for residents to celebrate and promote the neighborhood through special events and activities, civic betterment efforts and enhanced communication.
A primary goal of the BRNA is to give Brook Run residents an active voice in the future of the neighborhood by working closely with the City of Des Moines, Polk County, the Brook Run Village Homeowner’s Association and surrounding area. The seven-member board of directors meets on the third Tuesday of each month - all neighbors are welcomed to come! BRNA quarterly neighborhood meetings are currently held at Des Moines Fire Department #11 on Hubbell. Meetings typically feature guest speakers. Meeting information is published on the Brook Run Facebook page, posted on the web site, announced with neighborhood signage. Meeting minutes are posted on Facebook and this website.
Annual dues, which are not mandatory (but highly encouraged), fund events such as: Neighborhood Garage Sale, Fun in the Run, Ice Cream Socials, Tie Dye Socials, Holiday Parades, Free Flick in conjunction with Des Moines Parks and Rec, Santa in the Run --- we couldn't do all of these events without your support!